6 Ways Self Storage Can Help Homeowners


Being a homeowner is a major accomplishment and a watershed moment for a family. I means independence, maturity, taxes, IRS write-offs, lawn mowing, kitchen repairs, talking to loved ones about curtains and all kinds of other good stuff one may never had even thought of. It also means getting rid of unnecessary items that represent a lot of clutter. For that we suggest a storage unit. So today let’s take a look at self storage for homeowners.


If you’ve lived in your house for a while or if you happen to be married to Bobby Trendy you’re probably going to want to do some redecorating some time soon. So maybe you got a new dining set but your daughter who is so sure she is going to be moving in with her boyfriend in the next 6 months has already laid claim to the old one. Why not put that old one in storage until she comes to claim it?

Or maybe you decide you finally want to paint over that lovely puce color that’s been in the den since you moved in but the process is going to take more than a few coats of primer before you can even think about starting in on the sponge painting but you really don’t want splatters on your life sized Han Solo replica. Why not throw that in storage until the whole mess is done?


Same deal as repainting or redecorating, if you’re getting your cabinets refinished and a wet bar installed you might not want your $4000 Italian silk upholstered sofa anywhere near the mess. It’s easy to put it away in storage during the renovations, even through the inevitable delays. To find out more about the ideal month for home renovation, visit this website: https://www.ins78.com/

Natural Disaster

Well this isn’t one anyone wants to think about but it’s a fact of life that things do happen. So what if your house is flooded? Or a water main breaks? Or, I don’t know, mudslide? So you’ve got to move out for a few days or weeks or months but you really don’t want to leave your undamaged things to be ravaged by looters or your neighbors or badgers. For your piece of mind while you are sorting everything else out, you may want to put some of your things in storage where it will be safe while your living space is in flux.

Empty Nest

A lot of things will change around the house when you don’t have kids living there anymore. Packing up their room and turning it into a home office or a den or a gym is going to be an emotional process, I’m sure (even if the emotion is elation) so before you decide you must either keep everything exactly as it is or you must throw everything away, why not sit with the realization that your baby is all grown up, face your own mortality, and, you know, put some stuff in storage.

Staging for Sale

Sooner or later you may find yourself wanting to move. Into a bigger place or a smaller place or a place that floats or a place with wheels. And this will mean selling the house you already own. If you’ve ever watched TLC, you know all about “curb appeal” and “flipping” houses so you know that it can take a lot of work to get a house ready for sale. This might mean putting your precious comic book collection out of site, bringing in some neutral but warm furniture and just generally simplifying. This is a perfect time to put some things that you love but maybe are not that attractive into a Las Vegas self-storage facility while you prepare to head for cooler climes. Do not forget to visit this website https://manarax.com/ for useful information about cleaning, décor, and maintenance of your home.

New Puppy/Pet

Oh my god, have you ever seen a puppy? They are the cutest things. Seriously I don’t know how I don’t come home with a new one every time I leave the house because they are just so so cute. But have you ever actually had one in your house? Wow do they cause trouble. So before you bring a precious lil fluff monster into your pristine home, you might want to put some of the more chewable things (sofas with wooden legs, coffee tables, etc) into storage. Just until he’s crate trained.

If you are a new homeowner, Lock It Up self storage congratulates you on one of the most important moments of your life. For the reasons above, as well as countless others that we forgot, there will be challenges as you embark upon your new path and there are many resources out there to help ease your transition.

Lock I Up Self Storage specializes in Pacifica self storage.

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