5 Apps for your Pool


Along with the invention of the smartphone came something that revolutionized the way we go about our business: the app. There are apps for almost everything that you can think of, including swimming pools. If you have a pool or even if you’re a swimming pool designer, then you’ll want to check out the following five apps.

  1. The Pool Doctor– The pool doctor app is fantastic for both experienced pool maintenance professionals as well as the common pool owner who is not as experienced. Pool owners can simply use the easy-balance option in order to find out what chemicals they should use and why they should put them in their pool. To see their results, the user has to simply plug in basic pool information such as the pH level and the chlorine level, which can be obtained from a basic test kit. There is also a volume estimator option, which allows you to determine the rough size of your pool. Pool maintenance professionals can use the chemical adjustment option for a more detailed analysis.
  2. How’s My Water– This app is great for new owners of swimming pools. Take a picture using your phone of the test strip and the app will match the strip by color. It will then give you a customized water treatment plan. This app keeps track of your pool chemical measurements history as well.
  3. Swimming Pool Guide Pro – This is another easy to use app for beginners. It will give you plenty of information about pH levels, alkalinity, total hardness and more. It also provides calculations for how many chemicals you need to use for your pool as well as tips on using them.
  4. 8,200 Swimming Pool Designs Ideas Catalog– This app is geared more towards swimming pool designers, however even the average homeowner can use this app to get an idea for a pool. In this app, there are over 8,200 different designs to give anyone inspiration for a pool of their dreams.
  5. Swim University– This app is a great resource for any new pool owner who constantly has questions about the maintenance of their pool. There is a ton of information about pool maintenance gathered from a wide variety of blogs and buying guides, making it easy for you to find the answer to your questions.

Maintaining your own pool may seem like a difficult task, especially when you find out about all the chemicals that are involved with treating swimming pools. These five apps will help make maintaining your pool a breeze. To learn more money-saving pool maintenance and cleaning tips visit this website https://huizhiseed.com/

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